Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What to Think of a Hand of Peace

The Golden Dawn has been shattered into remnants of its former unity since the schism of 1899. Without going into the particulars of that (since most readers here would be familiar with the history), the Order essentially broke into splinter groups. Since that time, many groups have formed independently, many of whom are online and offer various forms of initiation.

Being a practitioner of Golden Dawn style magic for some 15 years, most of which were solitary, I've always been dismayed at the attacks many of these groups made upon each other. When I moved and found a group here in Denver, I was apprehensive and at the same time excited. My time with the first group did not last long past my initiation into the 1=10 grade of Zelator, and my move to another group here proved more fruitful. I am not here to cast aspersions on any one group, and I can only speak about the one I'm currently a member of, and I refuse to break my vows to any group I belong to in any way. I am a member of, but do not speak for my particular Temple.

The recent move by Fr. David Griffin's group, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to attempt to ease the years of fighting between different groups has got me to thinking about the future of the Order. Fr. Morgan's post on his blog "Gleamings from the Dawn" may be correct about the impossibility of a unified Golden Dawn. But is that such a bad thing?

The issue of the legitimacy of any group that offers initiations is a major concern, but out of the scope of the current discussion. Let us assume that all the major players in the current US GD scheme are "legitimate," whatever that may mean. Ignoring off-shoots like the Thelemic Golden Dawn, there are currently three major GD Orders in the United States, the Cicero group, Robert Zink's group and David Griffin's. These three groups have existed in one form (or name) for as long as the Internet has existed, and have in some way or another "announced" their presence to the world. Remembering as far back as I can, I don't remember a time when these groups weren't in some form of competition with each other. How can we all come together? Bro. Griffin says that,
[Our] Hermetic and Rosicrucian spiritual lineages can transcend faction and unite us all, while totally preserving the complete independence and autonomy of individual temples and orders.
This may be an excellent first step, and is in theory a beautiful idea, but how far would we have to go to "ensure" the inclusion of all the differing off-shoots that exists in the GD paradigm? Would there be inclusion or exclusion of Thelemic orders? How about groups that practice GD Work, but don't call themselves such? I highly doubt we'd all be happy about the inclusion of group "Enter Name Here" or group "Other Group" in a united Order.

What would a combined "Order" gain the community? There are three GD groups here in Denver, and I personally know that at least one of those has open relations with local Rosicrucian groups, and friendly relations with other GD groups, but has no interest (to my understanding) of joining with any over-arching GD merger. I feel extremely content belonging to a group that is far more interested in practicing the Work, including at least opening and closing at every meeting, education and officer training than one that is concerned with other Orders and the management or lack thereof involved in joining all groups together.

In my opinion, the egregore of the GD is large enough to handle those who perform rituals incorrectly, or those who include outside information including Celtic or other mythological godforms, or Thelemites. We'll never be a united community as David Griffin correctly mentions though until we do set aside our animosities. And this goes for everyone, including myself. In this blog, I'll do my best to never cast aspersions on any of my brothers or sisters in the Great Work.


  1. Care Frater AENE (my dear brother of the Golden Dawn),

    Believe it or not, you have just taken a major, important step and also made an essential contribution to the cause of Golden Dawn harmony. I salute you for taking this step.

    You see, here in the Blogosphere there is no difference between you or I. What difference does it make to which Golden Dawn order you belong or do I? For that matter, what difference does it make what Golden Dawn Grade you hold or do I?

    Here in the Blogosphere you and I are equals. We each have an equal voice. Indeed, this is the beauty and power of the Blogosphere - that a even a Neophyte from a small, independent temple in Denver or Chicago has the same voice as a Magus from one of the largest Golden Dawn orders in the world!

    The Blogosphere is not a platform for Golden Dawn marketing or for anonymous defamation of other orders. These are misuses of the wonderful opportunity that the Blogosphere presents to us that, in fact, endanger this incredible potential.

    The Blogosphere is a place where we in the Golden Dawn community can all gather together and discuss things that lay close to our hearts. Here there are no orders. Here there are no temples. Here there are no grades. Here we are all Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Dawn and we all have an equally important voice.

    Numerous of our Golden Dawn brothers and sisters from a variety of temples and orders are already speaking out against the misuse of the Blogosphere by anonymous trolls to attack and defame other orders. Well, there is a simple solution to this problem, and you, my dear Brother AENE are already a part of this solution.

    What we need is an Army of Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Dawn, from all of the temples and all of the orders, each with his or her own blog. You each have the same right to be heard here as do I or any other Golden Dawn leader.

    The Golden Dawn is not about the egos or economic interests of its leaders. It is about the spiritual development of its members.

    And in my opinion, many of the problems facing the Golden Dawn community are the direct result of rank and file Golden Dawn initiates not having enough of a voice in what is happening in our community.

    How many of you are fed up with all of the constant bickering?

    How many of you are fed up with the constant demonization of other Golden Dawn orders or their leaders?

    How many of you are fed up with the anonymous trolls spreading defamation that harms not only this order or that temple, but the reputation of the entire Golden Dawn.

    Well, I say, Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Dawn, the time has come to make your voices heard. Far too long have only the voices of Golden Dawn leaders been heard. Far too long have a small minority of anonymous trolls had a disproportionate influence in the affairs of the Golden Dawn community, simply because that silent majority of Golden Dawn Brothers and Sisters have not yet found their voice.

    I, urge you, Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Dawn of all temples and all orders, to look with favor and curiosity here at the blog Frater AENE - because here one of our silent majority of our Golden Dawn Brothers and Sisters at last has found his voice!

    There is no need for us to shout at one another. I have no doubt that there are many among us who have grown weary of all the shouting. Let us instead speak softly with one another. For a multitude even of whispers is more powerful that the loudest shout!

    I urge you therefore, Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Dawn, each one of you, to pick up your pen and find your rightful voice. I urge you to begin blogging with all the rest of us. There is much we can learn from one another. There is much we can share with one another.

    In fact, if enough of us become active in this dialogue, we will not have to shout down the trolls who would reek havoc on the entire Golden Dawn tradition with their lies and defamation!

    Instead, let us speak softly with one another ...

    ... And the anonymous trolls?

    Let us together softly whisper them down!

    Fraternally and sincerely, your brother in the light of a rising new Dawn,
    Lux ex Septentrionis,
    David Griffin

    PS - Brother, I have just added your blog to the growing roll of honest Golden Dawn bloggers on the HOGD/AO blog. I sincerely hope that this list will grow and grow. If there is anyone I have overlooked, please let me know!

  2. Greetings,

    I wanted to compliment you on striking a good tone for your first blog post. I think it is important that the esoteric community, and the Golden Dawn community in specific, builds upon the notion of respect of diversity. The light can and should make us humble in dealing with one another.

    There will probably always be those who want to pick a fight. But fighting back in the same manner is not the answer.

    Thank you for making your voice heard.

    In L.V.X

  3. I notice that in your blog roll you are missing Sincerus Renatus' Golden Dawn blog. Granted, it is not all in English (he is Swedish), but there is still a wealth of information there in English. I invite you to have a look for yourself.

  4. Thanks for the additional resource! I've added it to my bloglist.

  5. The groups will never be united because there is strength in diversity. Schisms are a natural evolution rather than something to be frowned on. The only problems happen when one group tries to take control of others or attacks another as not obeying the true way. Harmony in the GD will only happen once each group accepts the right of another to exist. This is the definition of whether or not a group is following the tradition or not. Are they on the internet slagging off another group?. Or, worse, are they in court trying to control other groups through trademarks or other legal tricks. Are they asserting that only they have "lineage"? In which case they are working to undermine the tradition. It is my view that all groups have a right to exist and no one has any right to lord it over another group. In fact amongst my group and other orders we are in accord. The only ones we don't talk about are those who claim they are the ONLY ones who have the RIGHT to be the REAL GD.

  6. Nick, thanks for the comment. The older I get, the more I agree with what you're saying here - the variance in GD groups gives it strength, not weakness. Even the wide variance of offshoots (like the SRC) makes that branch a viable and interesting expansion of the original.
